Uses of Class

Packages that use IChatException

Uses of IChatException in com.web_visage.ichat

Subclasses of IChatException in com.web_visage.ichat
 class MessageQueueIsEmptyException
          Thrown in case when a user tries to access element of the empty message queue.

Methods in com.web_visage.ichat that throw IChatException
 void DefaultConnectionResource.acquire()
 void IChatResource.acquire()
          Acquires new resource.
 void IChatServiceBot.connect()
          Connects to the iChat server specified in the properties.
 IChatMessage[] DefaultMessageFactory.createMessage(byte[] aCryptedMessage)
          Creates message from the raw byte form.
 IChatMessage[] IChatMessageFactory.createMessage(byte[] aCryptedMessage)
          Creates message from the raw byte form.
 IChatMessage[] DefaultMessageReader.readMessages()
 IChatMessage[] IChatReader.readMessages()
          Reads next message bundle.
 void DefaultConnectionResource.release()
 void IChatResource.release()
          Releases the resource and performs necessary cleanup.
 void ForwardingMessageWriter.write(java.lang.String aReceiver, ByteRepresentable aMessage)
 void DefaultMessageWriter.write(java.lang.String aReciever, ByteRepresentable aMessage)
 void IChatWriter.write(java.lang.String aReciever, ByteRepresentable aMessage)
          Writes a message to a channel/sream.

Uses of IChatException in com.web_visage.ichat.exception

Subclasses of IChatException in com.web_visage.ichat.exception
 class DisconnectedException
          This exception is thrown in case when the server suddenly closes the connection.
 class IChatUserNotFoundException
          Thrown to indicate that the requested user hasn't been found.
 class MalformedMessageException
          This is thrown in case of malformed message is received.
 class MalformedSenderException
          Malformed sender exception